If one of your parents or grandparents ever had Czechoslovak citizenship, you might be eligible to claim dual Czech citizenship based on your ancestry. The process to obtain Czech citizenship through your ancestry is fairly simple, but you’ll need to collect certified vital records for yourself, your parents, and your grandparents that prove your Czech roots, which can take several months. You’ll also need to obtain a copy of the documents showing when your ancestor lost their Czech citizenship. For example, in the United States you can order copies of your ancestor’s naturalization paperwork from the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services.
We can retrieve certified copies of supporting documentation from the Czech archives and registry offices. In addition, we’ll send all of the documents you provide for certified translation to Czech, submit the application, and represent you throughout the process.
The citizenship law is rather convoluted, so, if you’re interested in applying for Czech citizenship, we can review your information. The main requirement is that your ancestor was ethnically Czech. A good indication of their ethnicity would be their native language. If they spoke Czech, then you probably qualify for Czech citizenship. If they spoke German or Slovak, you probably don’t qualify.
Since the Czech Republic is a member of the European Union, the benefits of Czech citizenship are enjoyed throughout the EU. A Czech passport gives you the ability to live and work in any of the member nations. To learn more about the benefits of having dual Czech citizenship, read this article: https://thepointsguy.com/guide/benefits-of-dual-citizenship/.
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