In the protocols of passports issued, we might find the last footprint our ancestors left behind in the old country before emigrating. In 1857, the passport authority was transfered from the suzerian administrative offices to the state district offices. For evidence purposes and also to avoid falsifications, a special book was maintained. The entries contain personal information about each passport applicant: his or her physical description, when & by which authority the passport was issued, the destination, and its expiration.

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 Protocols of passports issued 1875   (District archive Klatovy, German language)

This is an entry from the protocol of passports issued from the district office Klatovy. Magdalena Baumann, day laborer from Zdeslav, is recorded on line 35. Her passport was issued on 22 February 1875 for travel to America with validity of 6 months. 

English translation of this record

WHY were they collected?  Evidence persons to whom a passport was issued
WHEN were they collected?   1857 - present
WHO collected the records? District offices
WHAT information can be found? Name, occupation, birth place & date, personal description, approval from the authority office, destination, passport expiration
In which ARCHIVES are they held? District archives, city archives
In which archive FILES can they be found?  Political district offices
LANGUAGE of records Czech, German
What must be KNOWN before getting started? Name, place of residence, and the associated political district
Czech expression

Protokol vydaných pasů (plural = Protokoly vydaných pasů)